Tag Archives: politics

A congress of everyone and the Thursday night polling place

What do you think would happen if we did away with the government all together and everything was decided on by a national vote? Every Thursday, polling places are opened and America gets it’s say on all of the hot button issues that face this nation. Sure, we could still have talk radio where they argue their perspective….sure, bill maher will still have plenty to bitch about due to conservatives and religious folks turning out strong to keep us in line with god’s message….but it seems like if EVERYONE had equal say in the issues, no one would have anyone to blame but themselves when shit hit the fan. You want no taxes? Cool….but we’re gonna be driving on some shitty roads. As a people, I wonder if we’d know what was best for us….or if we need daddy in the capital telling us what to do. Is it imperative to our existence that someone be in charge?

Could we get the teen voting strong enough to get “stronger” by Kelly Clarkson adopted as our new national anthem? Could the potheads finally get marijuana legalized? If you removed the lobbies and the corporate influence on politicians from the equation and left it up to the people….all the uneducated dumb shits that live here….would things be better or worse? I’m not saying change our laws or remove police or firefighters….I just mean instead of 50 or 100 people dictating policy, voting and writing bills….EVERYONE represents THEMSELVES and gets a say….if at the very least gets a vote….

First thing I’d try to get on a ballot is demanding the expansion of in n out burger to the Midwest. You cock suckers on the west coast don’t know how good you got it. Share your burgers or you won’t like my second proposition….invasion.

Obama and the fear of future technologies

I wonder if some of these issues folks have with Obama are really issues with him at all or if they’re just this misguided, close minded fear of new technology. Two of his biggest criticisms thus far have been his use of a TelePrompter and a bill that he signed with an “auto-pen.”

Now, when you watch tv….awards shows….the nightly news….everybody is using teleprompters. The idea there is that a person can maintain what appears to be eye contact while delivering information to you. I don’t think anyone denies that presidents have speech writers….if the problem is that the president isn’t speaking off the cuff….what IS the problem with using a TelePrompter instead of reading it off a page? Is it that no one else has done it before? Cause plenty of people have used them. Or is it you’re afraid if you maintain eye contact with that damn mooslum he’s gonna steal your soul?

Now, there’s controversy over the use of an “auto-pen” that was used for the president to approve a bill while he was in France hobnobbing or something. The question was: is that even a valid bill if the president didn’t actually sign it himself? I say: call the dude up. Ask him: did you approve this? If he says yes….then it’s a valid signature! Who gives a fuck if he approved it over the phone or sitting at his desk? It’s just another waste of time debating another thing that does nothing to fix anything. It’s a slow news day. The auto-pen is not yet self aware. It’s not gonna go signing obama’s name to the sale of Minnesota. And if it does? Who cares? It’s Minnesota.

I just think there’s so much more important things to complain about than the president’s fondness of gadgets….like when we’re gonna get laundry robots? Could you imagine? Sorting colors….folding towels….